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Right Supero-Temporal Baerveldt 103-250 in Silicone Oil-filled Aphake, 11 years after implantation
Early control of high intraocular pressure following Baerveldt tube implant
PDR, Trauma, AC IOL and secondary glaucoma, controlled with Baerveldt + Paul Glaucoma Implants
Baerveldt 350 after Preserflo with 3x needling; implant left to provide early IOP control
Baerveldt 250 glaucoma tube
Ripcord reinsertion in Paul Glaucoma Implant by Stretching the Tube
persistent hypotony: Baerveldt 250 explantation, Ahmed implantation OS 2020 07 20 100112
Removal of Oil Droplets from Silicone Intraocular Lens
In a 25 year old lady with refractory glaucoma and a failed Baerveldt, I would do anything but CPC
Reinsertion of stent following hypotony due to over draining Baerveldt glaucoma implant
Implante de Baerveldt, segunda etapa